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Mr. Moraki Mokgaosana

Mr. Moraki Mokgaosana
Chief Executive Officer
Appointment Date

Mr Mokgosana joined Bomaid in 2013 as the Principal Officer he is now the Chief Executive Officer and the Principal Officer of the Fund. He is responsible for determining the strategy and providing strategic leadership and direction on growing the Fund through sales, marketing, benefits design and ensuring adequacy of such benefits, operational excellence, risk management, creation of value for the customers and stakeholders and maintaining a satisfactory competitive position in the industry. He is responsible for positively influencing advocacy and strategies to improve benefits to its customers. 

He is also responsible for the company’s investments, strengthening Governance, Risk and Compliance processes throughout the Bomaid Limited Group (the Group) with resources to support their implementations and prioritising resources and strategies for the Group.

In addition, he is responsible for prioritising resources and strategies for the Group, ensuring performance is delivered across the Group leading to overall success, long term sustainability and growth of the Group.

Furthermore he is responsible for translating the organizational strategies into achievable steps, anticipating, and solving problems, taking advantage of opportunities, providing direction and an enabling environment to the Board as it carries out its governance functions.